Beyond The Bridge

A depiction of Pleasant Valley Dr. in Little Rock.  This painting is dedicated to my wonderful cousin, Sandy Smith, who in August of 2011, lost her long battle with cancer.  She is missed but her zest for life and unbeatable smile continues to live in all of us who knew her. A special thanks to my beautiful cousin and Sandy's niece, Lydia Miles, for her photographic help.

A depiction of Pleasant Valley Dr. in Little Rock. This painting is dedicated to my wonderful cousin, Sandy Smith, who in August of 2011, lost her long battle with cancer. She is missed but her zest for life and unbeatable smile continues to live in all of us who knew her. A special thanks to my beautiful cousin and Sandy’s niece, Lydia Miles, for her photographic help.

48 X 60    acrylic on canvas    2011             AVAILABLE


24 x 72 - description

Main & 4th Street in North Little Rock, AR with the iconic Argenta Drug Store on the left

72 X24    acrylic on canvas    2012