A resident of Little Rock, Arkansas, I began painting regularly in 2002. I use a technique I call “puddle painting” with watery overlays to convey color. It might be considered impressionism or even pointillism, but I just find that it is a way to have fun while painting. The technique came to me by accident, after spilling a splash of coffee one morning. Water allows a variety of dark and light value and is such a wonderful medium to work with.
Many of my art scenes are rural Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. I especially love the Delta. It fascinates me. The Delta is stark, empty, desolate, and lonely in the winter and busy and vibrant in the summer … but it also is serene and peaceful.
I love water towers. The water tower is a true symbol of rural life. It serves as the “Lighthouse of the Delta” and the only skyscraper of every small town.
Recently, I’ve concentrated on night scenes, especially night traffic during and after rain. We view so much of the world from our car, so it seems natural to make the driver’s view predominant. The reflections are fun and the mixture of natural and artificial light is always interesting. I try to emphasize depth and reflection.
I paint mostly from photographs and use only black and white photos during most of the painting. It allows me more freedom and experimentation with color. I do not sign my work but I hide the initials of my kids, Justin and Taylor, in each piece. It started as a game when they were young, but I’ve continued the practice of hiding “JT” as a tribute to my children, who serve as my inspiration.
My work has been shown in Nashville, TN, San Diego, CA, and many places around the state in Arkansas. Commission work and portraits upon request. Please contact me at the email address listed in the right sidebar.